Polígono Industrial Municipal
Vial Transversal 1, s/n - ZIP: 31500
Tudela, Navarra, Spain
(+34) 656 82 69 69
All machines showed in this site are REFURBISHED, very good quality, cleaned and tested.
We have been exporters for a long time, we have experience in customize any machine to vend any other product.
Products like perfumes, sprays, ballerina shoes or any other with special sizes.
Also we adapt the payment systems (coin changer & note reader) for any currency, we deliver the machines ready for to install.
There are machines from 6 up to 36 channels, 3 brands. sure you can find your machine!
Polígono Industrial Municipal
Vial Transversal 1, s/n - ZIP: 31500
Tudela, Navarra, Spain
(+34) 656 82 69 69